Bugs item #777, was opened at 2007-04-20 22:18 You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=777&group_id=106
Category: Primitives Group: v1.40.0 Status: Open Resolution: Accepted Priority: 5 Submitted By: Heiko Oberdiek (oberdiek) Assigned to: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Summary: Bug fix for \pdfunescapehex
Initial Comment:
The patch is based on pdftex-1.40.3 and fixes a bug
of \pdfunescapehex:
\pdfunescapehex returns a wrong result, if the last
character is not a hexadecimal digit and the last
hex pair is incomplete.
[\detokenize{#1}] -> %
[\x] \ifx\x\y= \else<> \fi [\y]%
\test{50}{P}% ok
\test{50X}{P}% ok
\test{5 }{P}% bug
\test{5X}{P}% bug
\csname @@end\endcsname
Bug fix is attached:
utils.c.diff patches pdftexdir/utils.c.
Yours sincerely