Hello, I suppose the issue was discussed before but couldn't find that is archives. Making high level macros in (pure) TeX encounters problem of optionality; the number of macro `properties' (agruments) is limited and making parameters *optional* needs some trickery. And yes, syntax like \macro[...,...,...]{...} is quite robust ConTeXt or LaTeX but is also time, space and resource consuming. Must be, since there is no robust way to build macros with parameters organized similar to <rulespec>, \macro key1 val1 key2=val2 key3{val3} ... at least not with optional key-val pairs. In pure TeX, such optional parameter text is rather exceptional, but in pdfTeX it becomes quite common. Would it be possible to implement some extension to definition building mechanism that allows to create macros with rulespec-like shape? I admit for the moment I can't even imagine a consistent syntax for such a feature. Macro parameters rules are Knuthish enough :) Regards, -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl