On Fri, 15 Jul 2005 noreply@sarovar.org wrote:
Comment By: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Date: 2005-07-15 15:25
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=421
This has been fixed in 1.30.0
Thanks a lot, Martin! Let's hope that it's ok. The change also can affect the PDF file size where lots of \pdfliterals are used for color change. E. g. if in pdfcolor.tex (used by pdfwebmac.tex) the \pdfliteral is changed to its direct version, the pdfetex.pdf file made from the pdfetex.web/.ch sources is smaller by about 8% iirc, while looking similar. Also the following font coloring seems to work more efficiently; the recipe is an update from an E-Mail to texhax at 29 Feb 2004: Start from cmr10.tfm, put this into some working directory. Then: $ tftopl cmr10.tfm > cmr10.pl $ cp cmr10.pl cmrcolor10.vpl Now in the file cmrcolor10.vpl change (FAMILY CMR) into (FAMILY CMRCOLOR) and just before the 1st line (CHARACTER O 0 in cmrcolor10.vpl add a line (MAPFONT D 0 (FONTNAME cmr10)) so that the cmrcolor10.vpl references cmr10.tfm as real font. Then do $ vptovf cmrcolor10.vpl which creates cmrcolor10.tfm cmrcolor10.vf Then do $vftovp cmrcolor10.vf > cmrcolor10.vpl which re-creates cmrcolor10.vpl Now you have reached the first goal: A cmrcolor10.vpl file ready for your tweaking. Then you can add funny pdfTeX specials e. g. by some awk script: $ export LANG="C" ; awk -f addspecial.awk cmrcolor10.vpl > temp $ mv temp cmrcolor10.vpl where the addspecial.awk looks like: #begin of addspecial.awk /SETCHAR/{ r = 0.6 * rand(); g = 0.6 * rand(); b = 0.6 * rand(); printf(" (SPECIAL pdf:direct: %.3f %.3f %.3f rg)\n", r, g, b); print $0; printf(" (SPECIAL pdf:direct: 0 0 0 rg)\n"); next; } //{print} #end of addspecial.awk Then do a final $ vptovf cmrcolor10.vpl This creates the working versions cmrcolor10.tfm cmrcolor10.vf Now you can call the colored font by pdftex e. g. from the following tex file: \pdfcompresslevel=0 \font\cmrcolor cmrcolor10 at 10pt \cmrcolor \input tufte \bye BTW, don't try to use \ptexuniformdeviate in the special. It's not expanded at this late time; else one would get a completely randomly colored font... Have fun! Regards, Hartmut