Heiko Oberdiek wrote:
On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 08:14:31PM +0100, Morten Høgholm wrote:
Usually the x expansion meant "uses \edef" and so they were all non-expandable. But now that we have pdfeTeX'ed the l3 kernel, we have functions doing full expansion like \numexpr and friends and \pdfstrcmp (does \edef on both arguments) used in \tlist_if_eq:xxTF. This reminds me: the notes from the Oldenburg meeting mentions an \expanded primitive: \expanded <general text> Expandable command returning the full expansion of the tokens in <general text>. So since this pretty much exists inside \pdfstrcmp as it is now, it could
Can someone please post an example of intended use in the l3 kernel in "plain"-style, just so I understand the usage?
Any opinions from the ConTeXt/pdfTeX people here?
ConTeXt's \expanded macro expands its argument fully except for the very first item in it, which is handy for macros that need expanded arguments, so I assume the actual goals are very similar. Its definition is essentially this: \def\expanded#1{\edef\lastexpanded{\noexpand#1}\lastexpanded} With the new primitive, it could be rewritten as: \let\normalexpanded\expanded \def\expanded{\afterassignment\doexpanded\let\next=} \def\doexpanded{\normalexpanded\bgroup\noexpand}
Biggest problem is probably a good name: a) \expanded would be a nice name, but it clashes with ConTeXt. I remember trouble with \unexpanded :-( b) It would belong to e-TeX, but there isn't a e-TeX prefix: \etexexpanded or \etexexpand c) pdfTeX's convention with prefix "\pdf" (see \pdfstrcmp, \pdfescape*): \pdfexpanded or \pdfexpand d) longer names
My preference is c) to avoid trouble with macro name clashes. I can live with a), then my package etexcmds would get a new macro \etex@expanded.
Hans and I think a) would be fine. c) is somewhat silly as it is not related to pdftex, and also a) combines nicely with the already present \unexpanded. Best wishes, Taco