Re: [NTG-pdftex] [NTG-context] pdfetex 1.40.1 + ghosscript problem?

Hi, I tried the test file from Hartmut with all pdf browsers that I have and didn't get any warning. Can someone verify whether the same file compiled with pdftex 1.30.6 caused any warnings with gs? Anyway, fwiw, pdf spec has been improved a lot to clarify how truetype fonts are treated by adobe viewers. See p399, section "Encodings for TrueType Fonts". The current implementation was done using a trial-and-error approach, since that time the (old) pdf spec didn't say how TTF are treated. We can change pdftex to conform the spec (not a big change). But this may have some big impact on backward compability. Thanh On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 01:46:33AM +0100, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Martin Schr�der wrote:
2007/1/18, Michal Kvasnicka
: Excuse me this off-topic, I don't know where should I ask.
The pdftex mailing list would be a better place. See
Can anybody tell me what's wrong, and if there is a ghostscript version capable to view the output of pdftex 1.40.1? Without it it is useless for me. :-(
I can view sample2e.pdf or the pdftex manual fine with gs 8.54.
e. g. when i run this test file through pdftex-1.40.1
%$Id: test4.tex,v 1.3 2006/01/06 20:24:10 hahe Exp hahe $ \pdfcompresslevel=0 \nopagenumbers \pdfmapline{qtmr <8r.enc
ok, this <8r.enc is the wrong encoding for this, so it's not surprising that glyphs in this test file PDF come out wrongly.
\font\qtmr qtmr at 10pt \pdffontexpand\qtmr 30 30 5 autoexpand \pdfadjustspacing=2 \qtmr
\input tufte \input tufte \input tufte \input tufte
then gs 8.54 tells "**** Warning: Encoding not present." But it looks ok. Could there be anything missing inside the embedded TTF font?
Would this warning go away if one uses the right encoding vector?
Regards, Hartmut _______________________________________________ ntg-pdftex mailing list
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