[pdftex-Bugs][4302] transparency bug: missing /ExtGState in Resources of Form XObject

Bugs item #4302, was opened at 2010-01-18 17:32 Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Alexander Grahn (grahn) Assigned to: Nobody (None) Summary: transparency bug: missing /ExtGState in Resources of Form XObject Category: None Group: None Resolution: None Initial Comment: In the attached example a Form XObject is created from a savebox containing transparent objects. The Form XObject is later used by \pdfrefxform\pdflastxform. When loaded in AR-7, the resulting PDF cannot be displayed but causes the error message: Could not find the Extended Graphics State named 'pgf@CA0.5'. (AR-7 is more verbose with regard to PDF errors.) The reason is that the XObject produced is broken. At some point in the content stream of the XObject, the graphics state is modified to set the transparency of subsequent fills and strokes: /pgf@CA0.5 gs /pgf@ca0.5 gs Although the operands pgf@CA0.5 and pgf@ca0.5 are defined in an ExtGState Dictionary as 1 0 obj << /pgf@CA0.5 << /CA 0.5 >> /pgf@ca0.5 << /ca 0.5 >>>> endobj the corresponding /ExtGState key is missing in the Resources dictionary of the XObject. Instead, it is put to the Resources dictionary of the Page object. But there it is useless, because it is not used in the content stream of the page. pdfTeX-Version: 1.40.10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=4302&group_id=106
participants (1)