Re: [NTG-pdftex] inclusion of PDF with hz-alg expandeded font

The Thanh Han wrote:
ah, sorry, I misunderstood the problem. It seems to be a bug of pdftex with pdf inclusion (handling fonts in embedded pdf's). I am not sure when this was fixed, but when I run your test file, the output seems ok (see attachment). So I suggest to upgrade your pdftex binaries (sorry that I don't know any better solution).
Strange, I read in your PDF: PDF Producer: pdfetex 1.21b That is (hopefully) my version of pdfetex. So let us return to the minimal example. I send you .tex, .log, and .pdf files for comparision. In addition I notice another strange behaviour with inclusion. Type 1 font cmb12 (embeded subset) was after inclusion replaced by Times New Roman Bold(?). The rest cm* font are OK. It needs more investigation from me, so, please, can you focus on the hz problem? Thank you very much Vit
participants (1)
Vit Zyka