Re: [pdftex] pdfeTeX: bad interaction of \pdfstartlink...\pdfendlink with \beginR...\endR

Hi, I have no idea how to solve it. Perhaps someone with better understanding of etex internals can help? Thanh On Tue, Dec 28, 2004 at 11:51:40PM +0100, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
On Sun, 26 Dec 2004, Vladimir Volovich wrote:
There seems to be a bug in interaction of right-to-left features of eTeX with pdflink features of pdftex.
yes, tried to localize it: When the horizontal list is reversed (left/right swapped) by function reverse(), so are the \pdfstartlink and \pdfendlink whatsits. Then \pdfendlink happens before \pdfstartlink, causing the error. Tried to swap links from/to both nodes after reversal, so that the start/end sequence is right, but then the 2nd error appears:
This can't happen (copying). error:
This seems to be due to a missing style_node: case in @ @
= which might be result from some math node that is artificially added during reversing the list or not? Copying also the style_node makes it run. But no idea whether that's the right way to do it. And there might be more cases like \pdfstartlink and \pdfendlink that might need a fix. Regards, Hartmut
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