Fwd: [poppler] 2 commits - poppler/GfxFont.cc poppler/GlobalParams.cc poppler/TextOutputDev.cc poppler/TextOutputDev.h poppler/UnicodeTypeTable.cc poppler/UnicodeTypeTable.h poppler/XpdfPluginAPI.cc

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From: Albert Astals Cid
2011/7/10 Albert Astals Cid
: And 3 years later, Ed has answered :-)
Now all our changes are GPLv2+
For clarification: Does that mean that poppler has gone/will go from GPLv2 & GPLv2+ to GPLv2+? Because then LuaTeX and other "users" of poppler could also go to GPLv2+.
Poppler is xpdf + poppler changes. All poppler changes are now GPL2+ but xpdf is still GPLv2 AFAIK. So the answer to your question would be no. Albert
participants (1)
Martin Schröder