[ pdftex-Bugs-810 ] Mixed up font descriptor from pdf inclusion

Bugs item #810, was opened at 2007-06-22 13:49 You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=810&group_id=106 Category: Fonts Group: v1.40.3 Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Submitted By: Martin Schröder (oneiros) Assigned to: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh) Summary: Mixed up font descriptor from pdf inclusion Initial Comment: Ulrich Dirr reported a bug with pdf inclusion where font information is not copied correctly (see http://tug.org/pipermail/pdftex/2007-June/007197.html). Thanh analysed thus: the issue with "Strange problems with graphics inclusion" has the following reason : - CMSS10 is used in a pdf figure (let's call it f1.pdf) - that f1.pdf is included in another pdf (eg f2.pdf) - when f2.pdf includes f1.pdf and a map entry for CMSS10 is avail., a font descriptor for CMSS10 is created by epdf_create_fontdescriptor() - the preset_fontmetrics() function is not called for CMSS10 (it's there in epdf_create_fontdescriptor(), but commented out -- no f to use with preset_fontmetrics() there) - when pdftex writes out the font descriptor for CMSS10, some font metrics are not set, since CMSS10.pfb doesn't have them - so f2.pdf ends up with a font descriptor for CMSS10 where some font metrics are missing (Ascent, CapHeight, XHeight etc.) - f2.pdf seems to be ok with most pdf browser, but not with Preflight in Acrobat7 (and perhaps with PitStop -- I don't have PitStop to test) A patch by Thanh is attached. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=810&group_id=106
participants (1)