Re: [NTG-pdftex] Question related to .ttc support

it looks like applying the patch and document it well would be simpler than any other hacks. Thanks for all comments. Regards, Thanh On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 09:22:34AM +0800, hzluo wrote:
Friends, I forgot to mention some properties related to .ttc files. For many .ttc files of CJK, all fonts in one .ttc file have identical CJK glyphs. Only the latin glyphs are different. But for latex systems, we use these fonts to typeset CJK glyphs only. We have much better latin fonts to typeset latin glyphs. As a result, supporting the first font in .ttc file is good enough for most such applications. In addition, Windows does not support symbolic linking. Only latest Windows versions support hardlink via junction, but it can't work on early versions. Certainly, supporting only the first font of .ttc file is not equal to supporting .ttc file. Better way is to add parameters to select fonts in .ttc file. But it needs significant work. I do not know how to achieve this. So, I think we can apply this patch, and claim in manual that we support "the first font of .ttc file". Maybe someone will work on a patch for full .ttc support later on, if s/he is troubled by the problem. (If no one is troubled, then no need to patch it, right? - that's one of the spirit of opensource :)
The aboves are only my two cents.
Regards, Hangzai
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