[pdftex-Bugs][4292] \rightmarginkern doesn't work for last lines

Bugs item #4292, was opened at 2009-06-27 21:11 Status: Open Priority: 3 Submitted By: Robert (schlcht)
Assigned to: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh) Summary: \rightmarginkern doesn't work for last lines Category: hz Group: None Resolution: Accepted
Initial Comment: % Protrusion works fine even for the last line of a paragraph. % If, however, you ask \rightmarginkern, it will always report % zero margin kerning. \pdfprotrudechars2 \rpcode\font`\. 200 \parindent0pt \parfillskip=0pt \hsize50pt \tracingoutput1 \showboxbreadth\maxdimen \showboxdepth\maxdimen correct: \setbox0\vbox{AAA AAA. AAA AAA.} \unvcopy0 wrong: \newbox\splitbox \newdimen\rmarg \loop\ifvbox0 \setbox\splitbox\vsplit0 to\baselineskip \unvbox\splitbox\setbox\splitbox=\lastbox \rmarg\rightmarginkern\splitbox \unhbox\splitbox\kern\rmarg\rlap{ : \the\rmarg} \repeat \bye ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment By: The Thanh Han (hanthethanh) Date: 2009-06-30 09:26
Message: yes I confirm this is a bug that should be fixed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=4292&group_id=106
participants (1)