[ pdftex-Bugs-548 ] Forwarded problem with Test.jpg

Bugs item #548, was opened at 2006-05-10 18:00
You can respond by visiting:
Category: Image inclusion
Group: v1.40.0
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Heiko Oberdiek (oberdiek)
Assigned to: Martin Schröder (oneiros)
Summary: Forwarded problem with Test.jpg
Initial Comment:
in de.comp.text.tex Simon Eugster has problems with a
jpg file: http://livingshadow.uttx.net/uploads/Test.jpg
I don't have a JPEG validator, but
don't show any sign of problems with the JPEG file.
Also I could reproduce his problems with pdfTeX
| Error: pdftex (file ./Test.jpg): reading JPEG image
| ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Yours sincerely
Comment By: Hartmut Henkel (hhenkel) Date: 2006-05-10 21:50
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=929 The test for JFIF file format was not adequate. Please test the patch. Bear in mind that currently only JFIF files allow to extract the image resolution values. For all others either explicitly give the wished dimensions (usual way), or set \pdfimageresolution. Else you get some default resolution. The problem went away also after treating Test.jpg (which is an EXIF file) by jhead -de, as this removed all EXIF headers. Regards, Hartmut ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: http://sarovar.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=493&aid=548&group_id=106
participants (1)