Hello, expanding on yesterday's message about font expansion in LuaTeX beta 0.10.1, I verified the phenomenon of text being typeset in a narrow column and clipped at the left margin. Then I dug deeper into it. Then I remembered Colonel Kurtz in "Apocalypse Now": "The horror, the horror ..." ;-) Situation: teTeX 3.0 on a macintosh (PPC) with a new pdfeTeX (1.40.3) and LuaTeX beta 0.10.1 (both built by myself). The HOMETEXMF path in texmf.cnf is "/Volumes/Dummy;/Volumes/Work/Workplace/Writing/TeX;/usr/local/ teteX/and/so/on". In the second path element, the formats for both LuaTeX and pdfeTex are stored, along with some other files (formats, log files). The first path element does not exist (just a dummy for testing the phenomenon). If the number of visible files in the directory the luatex.fmt file is stored in is equal to six or lower, some strange overfull boxes are reported by LuaTeX, and the text is typeset as described above. See attached log file "Six_LuaTeX.console.log". "Six_web2c.listing.txt" is the directory listing of the directory the formats are stored in. If the number of visible files in the directory is seven, everything works perfectly. See attached log file "Seven_LuaTeX.console.log" and "Seven_web2c.listing.txt". It seems that the error occurs if the number of (visible) files in the directory is even or less than six. Note that the error also seems to depend on which path element in HOMETEXMF points to the format directory. If it is the first path element, the error seems to occur if the number of (visible) files in the directory is odd or less than seven. The issue is not a corrupt file system; I created a small partition for the test (no big deal, I head a little bit of free space on my HD) and also verified the file system integrity. Now, normally I would say that there is something really, really wrong with my TeX setup -- but in pdfeTeX, everything works perfectly (pdfetex.fmt in the same place as luatex.fmt, same test file; see "Six_pdfTeX.console.log" and "Seven_pdfTeX.console.log"). This IMO points to LuaTeX. Or am I missing something? I have not yet had the time to look into the source code. The following is a small Plain-based document which demonstrates the behaviour: ------------------------------ CUT ------------------------------- \pdfoutput1 % The following text is typeset correctly: Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. Hello {\tentt world} with Lua\TeX. % The following text is typeset in a narrow column and cut off at the % left. This is just {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. Just a {\tentt test}. Nothing more than a {\tentt test}. % The following text is typeset in a narrow column as well: This is just test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. Just a test. Nothing more than a test. % The following *was* typeset across the whole page, until I added % the `-- not' et cetera: Some more text, just to check if the weird typesetting of the last paragraph can be repeated. Still, it would be strange if not. But it looks like -- not, at least if the paragraph is short. If it is longer, the text is typeset incorrectly. % The following is typeset across the whole page, just like it should % be: But only if the paragraph is a little bit longer, a few lines. \bye ------------------------------ CUT ------------------------------- Sorry for posting this weird bug (if it is a bug). I know how difficult it is to track these phenomenons down. Jonathan