Hi Hans, It seems that the figurelibrary mechanism is (still, previous post on 19-9-2005) broken. TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005 texexec : TeXExec 5.4.3 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005 texutil : TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004 tex : pdfeTeX, 3.141592-1.30.3-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.5) ---> context : ver: 2005.11.30 (This is the latest version downloaded on 19-03-2006) cont-en : ver: 2005.11.30 fmt: 2006.3.19 mes: english (The texexec --version reveals that the versionnumber in context has not been adjusted since the version 2005-11-30) Referencing by "label" the picture is not found. Referencing by page the wrong page is found. Referencing the last picture in the file: a fatal error occurs, that the page does not exits. Please refer to the attached example files. Could you please take a look at this matter? Kind regards Willi % Testfile selecting pictures from a figure-library % CONTEXt file % filename: testfig.tex % Willi Egger % 18-09-2005 \setupoutput[pdftex] \mainlanguage[de] \usemodule[fig-base] \usefigurebase[test-lib] \starttext \placefigure [here] [fig:ord1898] {Ordonnanzeisen 1898 $\rightarrow$ referenced by \quotation{label}} {\externalfigure[ord1898][width=0.45\makeupwidth]} \placefigure [here] [fig:hinterhufwinkel2] {Ordonnanzeisen 1898 $\rightarrow$ referenced by page } {\externalfigure[test-lib][page=3,width=0.45\makeupwidth]} % \placefigure % [here] % [fig:u-flaeche-trab] % {Unterst\"utzungsfl\"ache im Trab $\rightarrow$ referenced by \quotation{label}} % {\externalfigure[u-flaeche-trab][width=0.45\makeupwidth]} % \placefigure % [here] % [fig:schmieden2] % {Unterst\"utzungsfl\"ache im Trab $\rightarrow$ referenced by page} % {\externalfigure[test-lib][page=8,width=0.45\makeupwidth]} \stoptext